In accordance with our environmental commitment, CHICO PONCE SL has also acquired social responsibility. For this reason, this company has been collaborating with ASPRONA occupational centers in Albacete and Alicante for more than fifteen years to promote the insertion of adults with intellectual disabilities into the labor market.
The NGO ASPRONA is an Association of Family Members of People with Intellectual Disabilities declared of Public Utility. It was founded in 1959 and is a member of the Federation of Associations in favor of People with Intellectual Disabilities of the Valencian Community (FEAPS C.V.). You can visit their website here to learn more about this organization.

To this end, ASPRONA is provided with some of our products that require simple handling processes. Once the work is done, ASPRONA collects them and subsequently finishes them at the central facilities in Chico Ponce. This is the procedure followed, for example, in canutillo crimping.